We Buy and Sell

We Buy Antiques , Collectables ,Military Items,Badges, Medals,Uniforms,Weapons,Swords,Bayonets,China,Glass Ware,Brass/Copper(old),Scales,\Books,Furniture,Paintings,Prints,Stamps,Post Cards,Coins,Bottles,Oil Lamps,
Grand Father Clocks,Mantle Clocks,Carriage Clocks,Toys,Teddy Bears,Dolls,Hunting,Fishing Items,Sport Items,
anything old unusual,different give us a try we are only phone call away, home visits can be arrange at your convenience.Establish and Supporting Cockermouth for Over 30 Years .
Ps We also give FREE advice!!!



Yes we buy ,all you have to do is contact myself at the shop! or by phone or e-mail always close to hand and normally return contact with in 2/3 hours ,we do Full and Part House Clearances from single items of interest. Always on the look out for Paintings ,Military Items Medals, Weapons Bayonets,,Cigarette Cards, Post Cards,Photos,Books,Furniture,Glassware,Old Brass and Copper Ware,Toys,Teddy Bears,Dinky,Corgi,Train Sets,Board Games,Meccano,Tins,Enamel Signs,Clocks,Grandfather Clocks,Magazines pre 1940,and much much mo

Well Worth a Look In When Your in Town.

Establish and Supporting The Town of Cockermouth in Cumbria for Over 30 Years.

Never Far Away ?